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Dems are gearing up for battle, prepare to ‘punch back’ at Republican House Majority: ‘We can win that war’

By Christopher Powell

December 05, 2022

According to The Daily Beast, congressional Democrats are getting read for a new GOP majority in the House of Representatives to start new investigations to go after their Democratic “enemies.”

via Twitter

Much like when the then Republican-led House committees investigated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over the 2012 Benghazi attack, Democrats are now preparing push back as Republicans are threatening, even promising, to investigate and impeach President Joe Biden and go after his son Hunter and other Biden administration officials.

According to Eleanor Clift at The Beast, “Democrats have every intention of ‘punching back’ at the incoming House GOP leadership including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) who is obsessed with revenge after previously being kicked off of congressional committees over her first-term stunts.”

President Joe Biden via Flickr / Gage Skidmore

She continues:

‘Things are different this time around—Democrats aren’t going to assume that voters can see through the partisan bluster, and are mounting a war room operation outside the White House. The Congressional Integrity Project (a pointed moniker, to be sure) will try to fend off the Republican barrage, and go on the offensive in the information war.”

CIP senior advisor Leslie Dach added that “This is a battle over narratives, and we believe we can win that war. They’re (the GOP) saying it in plain English, they’re trying to hurt Joe Biden. It’s the Trump playbook of personal attacks. I think the American people see the hypocrisy, but we’ll be showing it to them. There’s a simple story to tell, and you have to tell it every day.”

Clift continued:

“The updated war room harks back to the self-described ‘Masters of Disaster,’ referring to two Clinton administration aides (Chris Lehane and Mark Fabiani) who successfully steered the White House response to GOP attacks during the 1990s, in part by selective leaking to the media and generally outsmarting the other team.”

Claremont-McKenna College professor of politics Jack Pitney predicted the GOP Reps leading these investigations may find out quickly that they bit off more than they can chew:

“The vast majority doesn’t have firsthand knowledge of how GOP investigations backfired. Unless they come up with some dramatic new information that directly involves President Biden, this tactic is unlikely to succeed and may well backfire.”
President Joe Biden via Flickr / GPA Photo Archive

Pitney concluded:

“The Democrats know what’s coming. It’s the A team versus the gang that can’t shoot straight.”