Flickr / Brett Davis /


Man who stormed the Capitol dressed as a gladiator: guilty

By Christopher Powell

June 07, 2022

According to new reports, a man who dressed as a “gladiator” while participating in the Jan. 6, 2021 riots at the U.S. Capitol Building recently pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of parading, demonstrating or picketing in the Capitol.

Nathan Wayne Entrekin bragged on Twitter a week before the riots: “Hey Patriots! Captain Moroni is coming to DC on Jan 6. Yay!” and then, according to federal prosecutors spent spent 13 minutes inside the Capitol dressed as Captain Moroni, a central figure from the Book of Mormon, on 1/6/21.

Via Twitter

The Arizona Republic reports:

“Entrekin wore a gladiator costume, complete with red cape, black studded bands and a gold headband. Though the costume exposed his legs, Entrekin’s denim shorts could be seen underneath.”

While inside he building, while taking photos and video, Entrekin joined chants of  “Four more years, Donald Trump! Our rightful president,” “U-S-A” and “our house.”

The Republic continues:

“In some of those videos, Entrekin narrated his actions at the U.S. Capitol, at times addressing his mother, the apparent intended audience.”
January 6 Insurrection at the Capitol via Flickr / Tyler Merbler

“I’m here, Mom!” Entrekin said in one of his videos.

In addition to the costume, Entrekin carried a pole with a white banner attached, reading “In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children.”

“That slogan, prosecutors said, was the battle cry of Captain Moroni,” the Republic states. “In the Book of Mormon, prosecutors said, Moroni and his followers executed anyone who did not believe in that phrase nor prize democracy over tyranny.”

via Twitter

Entrekin spoke with the FBI On Feb. 2, 2021, admitting what he had done on January 6, and handed over his cellphone so they could access his photos and recordings.  He was arrested in June of that same year.