Former President Donald Trump is having a pretty miserable few weeks as a new year begins.  With his tax returns finally becoming public, his 2024 presidential campaign trudging along pathetically, and his never ending legal fights, Trump is trying to desperately to get some good press.  But it certainly is starting to look like 2023 might not be his year either, if his complete and utter failure of a New Year’s Eve Party tells us anything.

Image of Donald Trump via White House Flickr/Public Domain

In prior years, Trump’s annual New Year’s Eve party at Mar-a-Lago brought out throngs of press, seeming to hang on Trump’s every word. This year,however, a “media availability” invite was nearly completely ignored by even the most conservative news outlets that would normally be all over a large scale Trump event.

According to reports, conservative video site Rumble, however, did offer coverage of Trump’s appearance with his wife, Melania Trump, dressed in a sparkling silver gown, by his side.  Donald Trump, with poor audio quality at first due to the lack of microphones and audio equipment, greeted his guests with  “Happy New Year. I hope you enjoy yourselves at Mar-a-Lago.”

Mar-a-Lago via Flickr / Carmen Rodriguez, Public Domain

The report continues:

“Once the audio situation was straightened out, he spoke about his wishes for the country in the new year and dodged a question on supporting a national ban on abortion. Melania held his hand throughout the short press conference (no swatting this time) and did not speak while her husband answered questions. With FOX and Newsman skipping this press opportunity for their formerly favorite politician speaks volumes as to where the Republican Party now stands with Donald Trump.”

New York Times reporter Peter Baker told MSNBC that Trump’s press conference demonstrates “how desperate he is for attention at this point.”


He concluded:

“I don’t think he has got the attention that he thought he would after announcing that he is running again. I think the attention, of course, has mostly been negative in the form of this Jan. 6 committee, his taxes being released, continued investigation by the Justice Department.” By trying “to change the subject” and “to get attention in a positive way,” Donald Trump is probably hoping Americans forget all of the negative headlines, but it seems that even his former favorite news networks have turned their attention elsewhere.”

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Christopher Powell